Frank Gomez is a Senior Economist II to Venezuela, works in BBVA - Banco Provincial since June 2012. He serves on the monitoring and evaluation of the Venezuelan economy and the global oil market, with particular emphasis on issues of macroeconomics, Fiscal Police and topics income distribution.
Previously, Frank Gomez served as Director of the Unit Quantitative Analysis Unit in the National Budget Office from 2003 to 2012, responsible for the macroeconomic projections of short and medium term that supported the development and monitoring of the national budget and the implementation of the multiyear budget framework.
Previously, he worked with similar functions in the former Office of Macroeconomic Programming at the Ministry of Finance and was a consultant of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington DC and researcher at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV).
He is currently Lecture Professor of Economic Policy at the UCV and has been teaching other subjects such as Macroeconomics and Economics of the Public Sector, in the UCV and the Catholic University Andres Bello (UCAB). He has also participated as a visiting professor and speaker at various academic forums.
He obtained a degree in Economics from the Central University of Venezuela in 1995 and an MBA in Finance at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Administration (IESA), also has taken courses at the Institute of International Monetary Fund (IMF Institute).