Gennaro D'AngeloGennaro D'Angelo
Gennaro D'Angelo
BBVA Research - Principal Economist

Gennaro D’Angelo is a Senior Economist for Venezuela. He works in the monitoring, evaluation and forecasting the Venezuelan economy, with special emphasis on issues of macroeconomic analysis, financial system and its impact on the real sector.

Previously, Gennaro D'Angelo, between 2000 and 2019 held various positions at the Central Bank of Venezuela, being the last Head of the Department of Financial Programming, responsible among other functions for the elaboration of regional, sectorial studies, comparative analysis of countries and evaluation of the economic impact of public policies through the use of quantitative techniques in the development of macroeconomic scenarios. Previously, he served as Central Planner in the National Planning Office, in the Department of Macroeconomics and Models.

He has taught several university courses, such as Theory of Economic Decisions, Macroeconomics and Mathematical Economics.

He obtained an Economist degree from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in 1997 and a Master's Degree in Currency and Financial Institutions, from the same university. Additionally, it has several courses of the Institute in the International Monetary Fund (IMF Institute).

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