
Balearic Islands

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June 29, 2016

Balearic Islands Economic Outlook 2016

The Balearics grew by 3.2% in 2015 and became the first region capable of surpassing the pre-crisis level of employment. The growth will settle at around 3.2% in 2016 and 3.3% in 2017. This scenario will allow the creation of 46,000 jobs over the two year period.

April 23, 2015

Balearic Islands Outlook. First half 2015

The Balearic Islands economy is still picking up pace. Growth of 3.3% is forecast in 2015 and 3.0% in 2016, again above the national average. Around 38,000 jobs could be created up to late 2016, taking employment beyond the pre-crisis level.

May 22, 2013

Situación Balears. Primer semestre 2013

Balears mantiene un punto de diferencial de crecimiento con España, apoyada en el sector exterior

May 29, 2012

Presentación de ''Observatorio Baleares. Primer semestre 2012''

Aunque el turismo está sirviendo de soporte para Baleares, los retos de la consolidación fiscal y la mejora del capital humano son ineludibles