Castile and Leon
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December 19, 2019
BBVA-DiGiX: A digitization tracking for the Spanish regions
The Digitization Index (DiGiX) assesses the infrastructure, the level of adoption, and the institutional and market conditions that allow a country or region to take full advantage of information and communication technologies. It includes 17 Spanish regions and 99 countries, with comparable information available for 2019.
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February 19, 2019
Castile and Leon Economic Outlook 2019
The economy of Castile and León Aragon may have grown 2.2% in 2018, and will reach 2.3% in 2019, to moderate to 1.9% in 2020. It will create over 35,000 new jobs by 2020, although some risks are more likely to materialize now, than they were some months ago. Total employment will be still far from its pre-crisis level. Inclusive growth is a challenge.
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April 18, 2018
Castile and Leon Economic Outlook 2018
The economy of Castile and Leon grew 1.9% in 2017 and GDP is expected to accelerate its growth to 2.5% in 2018 and 2.4% in 2019. This will add around 35,000 new jobs in the period and unemployment shall drop to 9.9%. Although pre-crisis GDP will be recovered, creating more and better jobs remains as a challenge.
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October 24, 2017
Internacionalización y digitalización de las empresas de Castilla y León
Castilla y León tiene que elevar su crecimiento y hacerlo reduciendo los desequilibrios acumulados en el período anterior a la crisis. Estos retos pueden ser enfrentados a través del ya iniciado proceso de internacionalización y de la digitalización.
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May 23, 2017
Castile and Leon Economic Outlook 2017
The economy of Castille and Leon grew 3.3% in 2016, and will still grow 2.8% both in 2017 and 2018. This will add around 40,000 new jobs in that period and unemployment shall drop to 11%. Although pre-crisis GDP per cápita level has already been recovered, creating more and better jobs remain as challenges.
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May 24, 2016
Castile and Leon Economic Outlook 2016
The economy of Castile and Leon will grow about 2.4% both in 2016 as well as in 2017, creating around 30,000 new jobs during this two-year period, within an environment of greater uncertainty. Internal demand drives the recovery, supported by exports, in particular the car manufacturing sector. Creating more and better employment continues to be the challenge.
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March 24, 2015
Castilla y León Outlook. First half 2015
The economic recovery in Castile Leon intensifies, supported by both external and domestic factors. The exchange rate and the oil price will improve competitiveness and drive activity. Castile Leon could create 34,000 jobs between 2015 and 2016, although this must go hand in hand with increased productivity. The demographic issue is one of the main challenges facing.
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October 6, 2011
Castilla y León: Situación y perspectivas. Presentación del "Observatorio Castilla y León"
Castilla y León parte con la ventaja de haber asumido un nivel de apalancamiento menor durante el periodo expansivo, lo que está facilitando que, tanto en 2010 como a principios de 2011, haya mostrado una evolución algo más positiva.
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