La Rioja
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March 9, 2022
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December 19, 2019
BBVA-DiGiX: A digitization tracking for the Spanish regions
The Digitization Index (DiGiX) assesses the infrastructure, the level of adoption, and the institutional and market conditions that allow a country or region to take full advantage of information and communication technologies. It includes 17 Spanish regions and 99 countries, with comparable information available for 2019.
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July 10, 2019
La Rioja Economic Outlook 2019
The economy of La Rioja grew 1.6% in 2018, and will have a more similar dynamism as Spain´s in 2019 and 2020. It will create 4,500 new jobs during that time, in spite of the many risks that remain, some of them more likely to materialize. Total employment will be 4.2 percentage points below its pre-crisis level
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July 11, 2018
La Rioja Economic Outlook 2018
The economy of La Rioja grew by 1.8% in 2017, and will accelerate to 2.6% in 2018 and 2019. The region will create around 4,500 new jobs by the end of 2019, although the likelihood of some of the risk to this scenario has grown.
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March 14, 2018
The future of cities
Cities are the engine of economic and social development. In Spain, cities account for 60% of the population and employment, as well as 70% of GDP. However, in addition to benefits, the urban phenomenon generates some costs which increase in line with the size of the city.
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June 20, 2017
La Rioja Economic Outlook 2017
The economy of La Rioja grew 1.5% in 2016, and will accelerate to grow 2.9% in 2017 and 2.7% in 2018. This will add around 5,000 new jobs in the period and unemployment shall drop to 10.9%. Although pre-crisis GDP per capita will be recovered, creating more and better jobs remains as a challenge.
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July 6, 2016
La Rioja Economic Outlook 2016
The economy of La Rioja will grow 2.7% in 2016 and 3.1% in 2017, creating around 7,000 new jobs during this two-year period. Internal demand drives the recovery, supported by exports, especially, from the food and beverages sector , but in an environment of greater uncertainty. Creating more and better employment continues to be the challenge.
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July 9, 2015
La Rioja Economic Outlook. First half 2015
The gathering pace of La Rioja’s economy is based on both internal and external factors, which are driving exports and industry. BBVA Research’s scenario predicts growth of 3.5% in 2015 and 3.2% in 2016, with the potential creation of 5,000 jobs over the two years. The exchange rate and the oil price are supporting competitiveness.
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July 10, 2014
La Rioja Outlook 2014
The recovery which began in the second half of 2013 in La Rioja continues to accelerate in 2014. The return to growth on the part of main trading partners is favouring exports. Progress being made in correcting internal imbalances is supporting an improvement in internal demand, despite the property supply glut. Convergence towards the levels of higher-income European regions will require the continued adoption of best practice in regulatory matters, and an increase in competition in the most restricted sectors.
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