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November 7, 2022

Big Data techniques used

Publi solo con podcast Japonés en el inicio

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September 28, 2022

Big Data techniques used

Estaba echado de espaldas sobre un duro caparazón

Una mañana, tras un sueño intranquilo, Gregorio Samsa se despertó convertido en un monstruoso insecto. Estaba echado de espaldas sobre un duro caparazón y, al alzar la cabeza, vio su vientre convexo y oscuro, surcado por curvadas callosidades, sobre el que casi no se aguantaba la colcha, que estaba a punto de escurrirse has

January 23, 2021

México ¡ año ôáéíóú %ya cigüeña

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May 25, 2020

Mexico | The current account figure confirms economic weakness in 1Q20

The current account deficit decreased by USD 10.2 billion in the first quarter of 2020 vs. the same period of last year, mainly due to the trade balance on non-oil goods posting a higher surplus.

May 21, 2020

Mexico | Scenarios of the effects on poverty due to the Covid-19 crisis

The estimates made by ECLAC, Coneval and BBVA Research are presented on the effect that the current crisis by Covid-19 can have on the increase in poverty and extreme poverty levels in Mexico in 2020.