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April 21, 2023
Prueba GNOSS Roi 9
Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8 Prueba GNOSS Roi 8
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June 23, 2022
Spain | Murcia Economic Outlook 2022
Murcia's GDP grew by 5.2% in 2021. The sanctions imposed on the Russian economy, the increase in the price of raw materials and uncertainty reduce growth expectations. Even so, Murcia's GDP could grow by 4.1% in 2022 and 3.2% in 2023. By the end of 2023, GDP could exceed that of 2019 by almost 4%.
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December 19, 2019
BBVA-DiGiX: A digitization tracking for the Spanish regions
The Digitization Index (DiGiX) assesses the infrastructure, the level of adoption, and the institutional and market conditions that allow a country or region to take full advantage of information and communication technologies. It includes 17 Spanish regions and 99 countries, with comparable information available for 2019.
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June 26, 2019
Murcia Economic Outlook 2019
The economy of Murcia slowed down to 1.5% in 2018. The growth will accelerate to 2.0% in 2019 and 1.6% in 2020, creating some 13,000 new jobs in those two years. Since pre-crisis per capita income has been recovered, creating more and better jobs remains as a challenge
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June 6, 2018
Murcia Economic Outlook 2018
The economy of the Canary Islands grew by 3.3% in 2017, and will continue growing by a further 3.3% in 2018 and by 2.6% in 2019. The region will create around 30,000 new jobs by the end of 2019, despite the weakening of some external factors.
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July 4, 2017
Murcia Economic Outlook 2017
The economy of Murcia region grew 3.1% in 2016, and will accelerate to grow 3.4% in 2017 and 2.7% in 2018. This will add around 41,000 new jobs in the period and unemployment shall drop to 16.9%. Although pre-crisis GDP per capita will be recovered, creating more and better jobs remains as a challenge.
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September 21, 2016
Situación y perspectivas de la economía murciana: foco en el consumo
Se confirma el sesgo positivo en 2016, pero el brexit, el ajuste fiscal y menores vientos de cola obligan a moderar la previsión de crecimiento para 2017. Más renta, crédito y riqueza no financiera explican que el consumo privado lidere la recuperación.
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April 19, 2016
Murcia Economic Outlook 2016
Murcia grew 3.1% in 2015. Growth is expected to stabilise around 2.7% in 2016 and 2.8% in 2017. The fall in the price of oil, the acceleration of the EMU, and the strength of internal demand shall drive growth. This scenario will enable the creation of 32,000 new jobs during this two-year period.
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July 15, 2015
Presentación “Situación Murcia. Primer semestre 2015”
La economía murciana acelera su ritmo de crecimiento apoyada tanto en el sector exterior como en la demanda interna. Murcia podría crecer un 3,2% en 2015 y un 2,6% en 2016 y crear unos 38 mil puestos de trabajo en el bienio. Reducción de la tasa de paro, mejorar la productividad y aumentar la tasa de actividad son los principales retos.
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July 15, 2015
Murcia Economic Outlook. First half 2015
Murcia’s economy is building on the growth which began in 2014. BBVA Research forecasts growth of 3.2% in 2015 and 2.6% in 2016. 38,000 jobs will be created over the two years and the unemployment rate will come down to 23%.
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September 24, 2014
Murcia Economic Outlook. Second half 2014
Murcia returns to growth in 2014, which will accelerate in 2015. The recovery of global demand and gains in competitiveness will drive exports. Unemployment, improving productivity and diversification in the external sector are the biggest challenges facing the Region of Murcia. Continuing the reformist momentum will be key in order to achieve intense, sustainable and long-lasting recovery.
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