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November 7, 2022
Publi solo con podcast Japonés en el inicio
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
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September 28, 2022
Estaba echado de espaldas sobre un duro caparazón
Una mañana, tras un sueño intranquilo, Gregorio Samsa se despertó convertido en un monstruoso insecto. Estaba echado de espaldas sobre un duro caparazón y, al alzar la cabeza, vio su vientre convexo y oscuro, surcado por curvadas callosidades, sobre el que casi no se aguantaba la colcha, que estaba a punto de escurrirse has
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June 9, 2022
Uruguay | Mercado Laboral: qué podemos esperar (y hacer) una vez que pase el coronavirus
En marzo el desempleo en Uruguay alcanzó 10,1%, reflejando el efecto de las medidas implementadas para contener el brote de coronavirus, en un mercado laboral con pobre desempeño. Esperamos que la tasa de desocupación suba hasta 14,2% en este trimestre. ¿Cuáles son los desafíos para el mercado de trabajo pasada la pandemia?
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May 20, 2020
Uruguay Economic Outlook. First half 2020
Uruguay will be affected by the combination of an intense, but transitory, negative shock of external demand and a brake on domestic activity resulting from voluntary confinement arranged to avoid massive contagion. In this context, activity will contract by 3.1% in 2020.
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February 21, 2019
Uruguay | Global and Uruguay Outlook 1Q19
We maintain our growth forecast for Uruguay at 1.3% in 2019 and we revised it downwards in 2020 to 1.9% (before 2.2%). An environment of lower global growth, in Argentina and Brazil, as well as the lack of definition of the beginning of the third pulp mill construction will determine a moderate growth in the next two years.
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November 5, 2018
Uruguay Economic Outlook. Second half-year 2018
The crisis in Argentina differs significantly from the one that occurred in 2002, and Uruguay is much better prepared to face it and avoid a significant contagion. We have revised the economic growth downwards due to a cooling of consumption, lack of dynamism in private investment and a drop in exports as a result of the drought.
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May 9, 2018
Uruguay Economic Outlook. First half 2018
Uruguay: growth slows, but investment expected to pick up. Downward revision of growth in Uruguay due to the effect of the drought on the agricultural and livestock sector and hydroelectric generation. Private consumption slows due to slacker pace of increase in real wages.
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November 8, 2017
Uruguay Economic Outlook. Second half 2017
Uruguay will growth 3.2% this year. There will be the second fastest growing country in the region. We project a current account result of just 0.3% of GDP for 2018. We estimate that the dollar will end this year at $ 29.5 and $ 31.4 at the end of 2018. We have adjusted our estimate of inflation to 6.3% yoy and 7.0% yoy for 2017 and 2018 respectively
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August 4, 2017
An Index of Regulatory Practices for Financial Inclusion in Latin America
The index assesses and compares the quality of regulations that influence financial inclusion in 8 Latin American countries. It defines three categories of regulatory practices: the enablers, which determine the overall quality of the financial environment; the promoters, which deal with specific market frictions; and the preventers which create distortions and barriers.
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