
Published on Monday, June 23, 2014 | Updated on Sunday, July 15, 2018

Chile: The 10 questions about fiscal policy that investors should have in mind


In this Economic Watch, we answer a list of fiscal policy questions that we consider to be essential for an investor who is following the Chilean economy. For example, we estimate the impact on the fiscal revenues that will have the new macro scenario recently published by the Central Bank; we analyze potential sources of funding for these lower revenues and the effect on market variables that could generate the decision chosen by the authority. In addition, we evaluate scenarios for long-term variables that soon will be provided by experts (potential GDP and copper price) and we quantified its impact on fiscal revenues next year, when will counteract higher revenues to be obtained from the tax reform.




Jorge Selaive
Hermann Esteban González
Cristóbal Gamboni

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Report (PDF)

Chile Economic Watch: The 10 questions about fiscal policy that investors should have in mind

English - June 23, 2014

Report (PDF)

Observatorio Económico Chile: Las 10 Preguntas sobre Política Fiscal que debería hacerse un inversionista

Spanish - June 23, 2014

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