Chile | GDP grew 1.9% in 2014, gaining momentum due to countercyclical fiscal policy

Published on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 | Updated on Sunday, July 15, 2018

Chile | GDP grew 1.9% in 2014, gaining momentum due to countercyclical fiscal policy


GDP growth reached 1.9% in 2014, with upward revisions in some quarters of last year. Acceleration of aggregate economic activity started during the 2H14 and was also reflected in a higher momentum at the beginning of 2015. Figures are highly supported by fiscal expenditures, and also characterized by a sluggish growth in private demand components.




Jorge Selaive
Hermann Esteban González
Fernando Soto
Cristóbal Gamboni
Aníbal Antonio Alarcón

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Report (PDF)


Spanish - March 18, 2015

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