
Chile | IMACEC with a ceiling of 2% YoY in May – Labor market depreciation surges

Published on Thursday, June 30, 2016 | Updated on Sunday, July 15, 2018

Chile | IMACEC with a ceiling of 2% YoY in May – Labor market depreciation surges


In May, activity by sector shows that the economy is in a weakening phase with significant impact on employment. The unemployment rate in May was of 6.8%, which is the highest since 2011, with high probability of increasing beyond 7% in the following months. As a result, we estimate that the economy has not grown more than 2% YoY in May.




Aníbal Antonio Alarcón
Cristóbal Gamboni
Hermann Esteban González
Fernando Soto
Jorge Selaive

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Report (PDF)

Chile_IMACEC y empleo_mayo_2016

Spanish - June 30, 2016

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