Published on Friday, October 25, 2019

Colombia | Space should be the limit for our children


The first spacewalk by two women generated a lot of global attention last week. It shows that the young people of the world, but particularly of our emerging countries, must grow up convinced that they can do what they set out to do and that their desk companion can too.

Key points

  • Key points:
  • We hope that the spacewalk will take into account that the genre ceased to be a barrier long ago.
  • Spreading the achievements with determination will make young Colombians have STEM careers (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) among their range of possibilities when deciding their future.
  • STEM careers help emerging countries run the extra mile they need to grow more and provide better living conditions for their citizens.
  • STEM careers contribute exponentially to growth and allow countries to differentiate themselves positively in what they produce and how they produce it.




Juana Téllez BBVA Research - Chief Economist

Documents and files

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Press Article (PDF)


Spanish - October 25, 2019

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