Published on Friday, January 16, 2015 | Updated on Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Document number 15/04

Financial inclusion and its determinants: the case of Argentina


This paper analyses the three dimensions determining financial inclusion in the case of Argentina, from a micro-economic perspective. On the supply side, formal financial services are accessed through traditional channels: branches and ATMs, with an as-yet incipient regulation for financial inclusion, unlike the situation in neighbouring countries. In terms of use, a person’s level of education, income and age are all important variables which determine whether they have financial products such as accounts, credit and debit cards, formal credit and electronic payments. Finally, the factors affecting the perception of different barriers of involuntary exclusion are: income and age. JEL: D14, G21.




Gloria Sorensen
Adriana Haring BBVA Research - Senior Economist
Noelia Cámara BBVA Research - Principal Economist
David Tuesta

Documents and files

Report (PDF)

WP_15-03_Financial Inclusion in Argentina

English - January 16, 2015

Report (PDF)

WP_15-04_Inclusion Financiera_Argentina

Spanish - January 16, 2015

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