Published on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 | Updated on Monday, May 14, 2018

Mexico Regional Sectorial Outlook Second Half 2014


National economic growth accelerates in 2014, but sector disparities still prevail. All country regions will very likely show better economic performance in 2014 vs. 2013. The Mexican Oil Fund is unlikely to accumulate resources immediately. The automotive industry in Mexico has become a significant export platform worldwide. Consolidation of economic growth is necessary for domestic tourism to grow at a similar rate to international tourism




Arnulfo Rodríguez BBVA Research - Principal Economist
Alma Martínez

Documents and files

Report (PDF)


English - October 1, 2014

Presentation (PDF)

Presentacion Situación Regional Sectorial México (2º Semestre 2014)

Spanish - October 1, 2014

Report (PDF)


Spanish - October 1, 2014

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