
The restructuring of the Spanish banking sector up to the recovery of credit flows

Published on Monday, May 26, 2014 | Updated on Monday, July 14, 2014

The restructuring of the Spanish banking sector up to the recovery of credit flows


The Spanish banking sector has gone through one of the most comprehensive and thorough restructurings in the eurozone. This paper reviews the successive measures taken to reform the banking sector since the crisis began, particularly those adopted from February 2012 onwards to adjust asset value, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Eurogroup which marks out the route-map towards the end of restructuring, and the changes and adjustment processes which have been introduced to comply with this, culminating in the recapitalisation of part of the sector with public funds. It also analyses the competitive scenario in the sector after the reform, and takes a view on the measures most recently adopted to encourage an appropriate solution for credit refinancing, as well as the banking sector’s capacity to support the Spanish economy’s incipient recovery.




Jaime Zurita BBVA Research - Principal Economist

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Spanish - May 26, 2014

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