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September 29, 2022

Spain | Long series of regional GVA and employment by sector, 1955-2020

This Working Paper briefly describes the latest update of the sectoral module of the RegData FEDEA-BBVA, with the main Regional Accounts Indicators.

May 21, 2020

Mexico | Scenarios of the effects on poverty due to the Covid-19 crisis

The estimates made by ECLAC, Coneval and BBVA Research are presented on the effect that the current crisis by Covid-19 can have on the increase in poverty and extreme poverty levels in Mexico in 2020.

May 8, 2020

U.S. | Pandemic wipes out decade of job gains

With 30M people filing for unemployment insurance since March 21st, the precipitous drop in nonfarm payrolls of 20.5M was not a surprise. However, the drop in employment over the past two months has all but erased the job gains since February 2011.