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January 31, 2020
U.S. Auto Sales Chartbook. January 2020
New vehicle sales were 16.9 million in 2019, 1.7% less than in 2018. Although still solid, 2019 sales were the lowest since 2014. We expect new car sales to slow down further in 2020, due to slower economic growth and less affordable vehicles.
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January 29, 2020
Argentina | Automotive Situation
The automotive market was unable to recover from the sharp fall in 2018 due to the exchange and financial tensions that occurred during 2019, the loss of purchasing power and a significantly astringent monetary policy.
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July 11, 2019
Colombia Automotive Outlook 2019
This presentation deals with the recent performance and outlook for 2019-2020 of the Colombian economy and automotive sector. Households that buy cars and motorcycles in Colombia are profiled from the Household Budget Survey published in 2018 by DANE.
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September 26, 2018
Colombia | Colombian automotive sector starts its engines
We maintain our 2018 vehicle sales growth projection (5.1%) despite the fact that the accumulated annual increase to July has been lower. The automotive fair and the improved performance of consumption in the second half of 2018 will boost this growth. The momentum of sales in 2019 will be even greater.
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March 23, 2017
Colombia | Presentación Situación Automotriz 2017
Esperamos que en 2017 se vendan 241.000 unidades de vehículos nuevos y que este mercado se acelere hasta 262.000 unidades en 2018. En el mercado de motos nuevas esperamos ventas por 540.000 y 588.000 unidades en 2017 y 2018, respectivamente. Por su parte, las ventas de vehículos usados permanecerán altas en 2017, en niveles similares a los observados en 2016
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