
Banco de México

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April 24, 2019

Mexico | Monthly Report on Banking and the Financial System. April 2019

The CESF reviews its balance of risks, highlighting the increase of foreign risk. The CNBV announces a new publication on financial inclusion. The economic slowdown and unchanged interest rate expectations are the main factors behind financial market movements.

March 1, 2019

Mexico | Government presents Migrant Protection Strategy, & remittances grow 6.5% in Jan.

The government presented a ten-point summary of its Migrant Protection Strategy for 2019–2024, which details: 1) a new vision focused on migrants' rights and 2) the expansion of the mobile consulate system to reach the most remote populations.

December 14, 2018

Mexico | Using international reserves – a bad idea for Mexico's economy

A few weeks ago, a group of legislators from Mexico's Labour Party (Partido del Trabajo, PT) said that Parliament should discuss the possibility of using the Central Bank's international reserves in the fight against poverty. I understand that this sounds like an attractive proposition.