Bank of Spain
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October 30, 2015
Spain | Deposits fall €6bn in the quarter but increase when they are seasonally adjusted
The latest figures published by the Bank of Spain show a decrease of the deposits of Spanish households and non-financial corporations in the third quarter of 2015. However, seasonally adjusted these deposits increase in €5bn. The interest rate of deposits continues in a downward trend.
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June 26, 2015
Aumento estacional de los depósitos de hogares y empresas en el mes de mayo
Los últimos datos de depósitos publicados por el Banco de España muestran que los depósitos de hogares se elevan tímidamente, mientras que los de empresas lo hacen de manera más acusada. En ambos casos se debe a razones estacionales.
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May 29, 2015
Seasonally adjusted household and corporate deposits rose in April
The latest deposit figures released by the Bank of Spain show that Spanish household deposits have surprised on the high side, while the corporate figure has come down in line with estimates. The seasonally adjusted aggregate amount has grown for the first time since May 2014.
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April 29, 2015
Household and corporate deposits were down in March
The latest deposit figures released by Bank of Spain show a fall in household and corporate deposits of a little over EUR2bn in March. After seasonal adjustment the drop would be smaller, at some EUR1.2bn.
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March 26, 2015
Spain: household and company deposits shrank slightly in February
The latest figures for deposits published by the Bank of Spain show that Spanish household and corporate deposits fell by EUR800mn in February. After seasonal adjustments, the drop is higher: -EUR1.7bn.
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