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October 22, 2024
España | La Desigualdad de la Huella de Carbono de los Hogares en Alta Definición
Presentamos la distribución de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del consumo de los hogares españoles atendiendo a su nivel de gasto, edad, o género y distinguiendo diferentes tipos de bienes y servicios. Este análisis es posible combinando datos oficiales, la metodología Input-Output y los datos BBVA.
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October 22, 2024
National Accounts in a world of Naturally Occurring Data
Presentation for the Conference on Non-traditional Data, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing in Macroeconomics hosted by Sveriges Riksbank and jointly organized with the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Italy, and the Bank of Canada.
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October 16, 2024
Spain | Short and Variable Lags
We study the transmission of monetary policy shocks using daily consumption, corporate sales and employment series. We find that the economy responds at both short and long lags that are variable in economically significant ways.
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January 22, 2024
National Accounts in a World of Naturally Occurring Data
This paper provides a first proof of concept that naturally occurring transaction data, arising from the decentralized activity of millions of economic agents, can be harnessed to produce both traditional national accounts-like objects and novel representative economic statistics.
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May 21, 2020
Global | The COVID-19 impact on Consumption in Real Time and High Definition
This is a weekly publication based on high-frequency and high-resolution aggregated and anonymised transaction data from BBVA to analyse the dynamics in real time of expenditure in the countries where BBVA operates during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
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April 24, 2020
The COVID-19 impact on Consumption in Real Time and High Definition
This is a weekly publication based on high-frequency and high-resolution aggregated and anonimized transaction data from BBVA to analyse the dynamics in real time of expenditure in the countries where BBVA operates during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
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February 10, 2020
The risk of sargassum to the economy and tourism of Quintana Roo and Mexico
An analysis of economic variables and through Big Data is made to quantify the effects of sargassum in the tourist activity of Quintana Roo in 2019. The results do not find solid evidence in this regard, either because it was not a relevant factor or by the success of mitigation actions.
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December 4, 2019
Geo-World: Conflict & Protest November
The protests in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran against government policies triggered questions about the regional stability. Hong Kong pro-democracy candidates gained huge victory in local elections. Social unrest in Latin America intensified in some countries and they should be closely monitored.
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November 26, 2019
The use of Big Data at BBVA Research to understand the society, the economy and the world
The text is a key source of information to enrich the analysis. News can be an important source of information on geopolitical events such as sanctions and foreign relations, we can also focus on critical challenges and how the media talks about them.
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November 21, 2019
Disentangling risks, activity and performance based on US corporate reports
The NLP importance in business and economics as a key source of information to enrich business and economic analysis. US corporate quarterly and annual reports provide a comprehensive overview on a company's activities and financial performance throughout the year and future plans.
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November 6, 2019
Geo-World: Conflict & Protest October
The US army killed ISIS leader al-Baghdadi. Meanwhile, Turkey brokered separate deals with U.S. and Russia to ensure a safe zone in northern Syria. The UK decided to hold general elections as the EU granted the country a Brexit extension until January 31. The US and China trade war eased with a “phase one” trade deal.
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