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January 7, 2020

Peru | Mining sector: recent evolution and short-term outlook

We estimate that in 2020 mining production will perform better, giving an important support to GDP growth. We also anticipate that mining investment will exhibit a more moderate increase due to the completion of some projects (mainly copper) already underway.

November 21, 2017

Lower US corporate taxes would not reverse Mexico’s competitive advantage in manufacturing

Mexico would continue to be more competitive than the United States in the production of manufactured goods even if the latter were to cut its corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%. The difference in labor costs alone is a sufficient factor for Mexico to remain more competitive than the US

October 21, 2014

Tell me who you export to and what you make, and I'll tell you how competitive you are

More on the loss of competitiveness in the Brazilian economy

March 31, 2014

Competitiveness in the Latin American manufacturing sector: trends and determinants

This study concludes that competitiveness in the manufacturing sectors of most countries in Latam went down from 2007 to 2012, after relatively favourable progress in the period 2002-2007

March 13, 2014

Competitividad del sector manufacturero en América Latina: tendencias y determinantes

Este estudio concluye que la competitividad del sector manufacturero en la mayoría de los países de la región ha disminuido a partir de 2007 hasta el 2012

June 21, 2011

Competitividad e internacionalización de la economía española

Un puzzle sobre el comportamiento de las exportaciones españolas domina el debate económico. Es difícil reconciliar la aparente pérdida de competitividad de las exportaciones españolas con la estabilidad relativa de la participación en las exportaciones mundiales