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May 17, 2016
Digital Economy Outlook. May 2016
In this issue we focus on: European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); Tax challenges for the digital economy; The European Network and Information Security Directive (part 2 of 2); e-commerce in Spain: generational approach; Marketing in the digital era: adapting to the new consumer.
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October 5, 2015
Financial Regulation Outlook. October 2015
This month we focus on: Single Retail Financial Market, Basel III monitoring report, New European framework for securitisation, Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process, Liquidity in financial markets, Debt Subordination in Europe and Data Protection Regulation
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July 28, 2015
Financial Regulation Outlook. July 2015
This month we focus on: lower capital charges for EU robust securitisation, the proposed IRRBB treatment, Credit Value Adjustments, the MREL guidelines for EU banks, the SREP methodology for supervision, BIS corporate governance principles for banks and the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
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September 29, 2014
Regulation Outlook
This month we focus on: The role of loss-absorbing debt, Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) “ready to fly”, New European data protection framework, EBA on Basel III Monitoring Exercise, Global initiatives to promote robust ABS gain momentum and New structure of the European Commission.
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