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April 29, 2019
Colombia | Colombian consumer profile
A profile of the Colombian consumer was created by analyzing different variables that determine their consumption decisions, such as: age, sex, income, household size, source of income, form and place of payment, purchasing power and consumption habits.
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November 14, 2018
Pensions, employment and contributivity
Distributive pension systems such as Spain’s are based on an implied inter-generational contract between workers and pensioners. A contract which in addition to being sustainable in the long term and providing adequate pensions, must also be balanced and efficient. Without sustainability, adequacy cannot be assured.
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March 2, 2016
U.S. | Presidential Election Chartbook
Despite early success, Trump needs to sustain momentum in order to avoid a brokered convention. Rubio or Cruz present best chance for a Republican victory against Clinton. Current economic and market-based indicators suggest Democratic win in national election.
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April 20, 2015
U.S. | Three drivers of the U.S. demographic makeover
Unprecedented challenges to economic growth from slower population growth and increased life expectancy. Demographic paradigm creating a tradeoff between lower overall growth and policy intervention. Diversity playing a greater role in policymaking, business decisions and output
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July 14, 2014
Ahorro Voluntario a Largo Plazo en Colombia
En Colombia sólo un porcentaje muy pequeño de la población económicamente activa tiene pensiones voluntarias o seguro para la vejez. El ahorro voluntario a largo plazo cobrará cada vez mayor importancia, de cara a las tendencias demográficas globales
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April 19, 2010
Demografía, Mercado de Trabajo y Tecnología: Patrón de crecimiento de Cataluña, 1978-2018
Este documento explora el patrón de crecimiento potencial, o de equilibrio a largo plazo, de la economía catalana durante los últimos 30 años con el doble objetivo de identificar las fuentes subyacentes de tal crecimiento así como de sus perspectivas a medio plazo.
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