
Economic crisis

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May 21, 2020

Mexico | Scenarios of the effects on poverty due to the Covid-19 crisis

The estimates made by ECLAC, Coneval and BBVA Research are presented on the effect that the current crisis by Covid-19 can have on the increase in poverty and extreme poverty levels in Mexico in 2020.

April 29, 2020

Banxico's Measures Do Not Print Money to Fund the Government

Banxico’s measures look to meet three main targets: an orderly function of local fixed income markets, facilitation of banking credit flows and the injection of more liquidity into the Mexican financial system under the current economic context.

August 22, 2019

Approaching fiscal stimulus in Germany

Faced with a 0.1% GDP contraction in the second quarter and the possibility of a third-quarter repeat—as raised recently by the Bundesbank—there is speculation that the German government may approve a stimulus package of up to EUR 50 billion (1.5% of GDP).

July 16, 2013

La crisis en la Unión Europea

La expansión y la crisis han generado importantes desequilibrios que van a ser una pesada losa durante muchos años en muchos economías europeas