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January 27, 2020
Colombia | Financial health shapes consumer welfare
The ability to cope with financial shocks from one's own resources is called financial vulnerability. It is measured as the period of time that individuals can survive by covering their needs if they lose their main source of income and without using credit.
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January 27, 2020
Peru | Financial health shapes consumer welfare
The ability to cope with financial shocks from one's own resources is called financial vulnerability. It is measured as the period of time that individuals can survive by covering their needs if they lose their main source of income and without using credit.
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November 25, 2019
Colombia | How can I improve my financial health?
Financial Health is a condition in which people can fully meet their current financial obligations, feel secure about their financial future and are able to make decisions that allow them to enjoy life.
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August 30, 2019
Disentangling Vulnerability through Consumer Behavior: The Role of Financial Health
This paper analyzes the effect of financial participation on consumer's financial vulnerability, which is pervasive in the developing world. The financial behavior of consumers (i.e. financial health) has a greater positive effect on financial vulnerability than the narrower concept of financial inclusion.
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June 24, 2019
How is the level of financial literacy of Mexicans?
On April 12, the Mexican National Banking Commission (CNBV) published the level of financial literacy of Mexicans in 2018, which was 58.2 out of 100 points. This note describes the main questions related to financial "knowledge", "behaviors" and "attitudes" that were answered incorrectly by more than half of Mexicans.
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December 21, 2018
Mexico | ENIF 2018: 63.2% of Mexicans use informal savings, 70.2% use informal credit
The main results of ENIF 2018 (the National Survey on Financial Inclusion 2018) are being presented, and the situation and challenges that the government of AMLO and the financial institutions will face with regards to inclusion and financial education. 47.1% of the population has a bank or financial account (savings), 31.1% credit or credit card and 25.4% insurance.
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April 5, 2018
Central bank digital currencies: An assessment of their adoption in Latin America
This document focuses on identifying factors affecting the implementation of a Central Bank digital currency (CBDC) in Latin American countries. The adoption of a CBDC (non-universal) for the interbank and wholesale payment system would lead to a relatively minor level of disruption in the economy. In this case, the implementation costs is an important issue.
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