financial vulnerability
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May 4, 2020
Financial vulnerability of Spanish households facing the COVID-19 crisis
Financial vulnerability refers to the ability of individuals or households to cope with a shock involving the loss of the main source of income. We establish the degree of financial vulnerability of Spanish households in three categories: highly vulnerable, vulnerable, and secure.
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February 12, 2020
Coronavirus casts doubt on global recovery
The outbreak of the new and highly contagious strain of coronavirus in the Chinese city of Wuhan brings with it new doubts about the expected recovery of the global economy, and in particular about the growth of the world's second largest economy.
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January 27, 2020
Colombia | Financial health shapes consumer welfare
The ability to cope with financial shocks from one's own resources is called financial vulnerability. It is measured as the period of time that individuals can survive by covering their needs if they lose their main source of income and without using credit.
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January 27, 2020
Peru | Financial health shapes consumer welfare
The ability to cope with financial shocks from one's own resources is called financial vulnerability. It is measured as the period of time that individuals can survive by covering their needs if they lose their main source of income and without using credit.
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March 10, 2007
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