
Fiscal policy

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April 27, 2020

The challenges for the Spanish economy in overcoming COVID-19

The recession in 2020 is inevitable. It is highly likely that Spain's GDP will fall by between 6 and 10% in 2020. And a rebound in 2021 will not be sufficient to recover the losses that have occurred during the crisis. To add to an already bleak outlook, risks are on the downside.

March 16, 2020

China | Negative Jan-Feb economic activity outturns point to a historical low growth in Q1

A batch of record-low negative January-February indicators announced today pointed to a significant slowdown in economic activities in Q1 amid the outbreak of COVID-19 in China.

March 9, 2020

Coronavirus: testing the limits of the expansion and policy

In July 2019, the US officially achieved the largest economic expansion since records began. This growth continued in spite of the obstacles encountered as a result of the trade war with China and the global industrial recession.

March 3, 2020

'The law of silence' and the potential of the Spanish economy

Since the beginning of the recovery, GDP growth in Spain (2.6% per year) has been one of the highest among the large developed economies and consistently higher than that seen for the EMU as a whole (1.8%), but is this a valid and sustainable point of reference for the coming years?

February 27, 2020

Fiscal Consolidation: A Demanding Challenge

Predictably, Spain closed 2019 with a public deficit that was closer to 2.5% of GDP than to 2%, meaning little change in comparison with 2018. This almost complete lack of improvement means that fiscal consolidation efforts will be carried over to this year.