
Fiscal rules

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June 9, 2022

Europa | Deuda y reglas fiscales

Los altos niveles de deuda pública acumulados desde 2020 y la necesidad de reducirla llevan al debate sobre las reglas fiscales sobre las cuentas nacionales, más allá de que Europa apruebe instrumentos de financiación comunes para afrontar los grandes retos estratégicos que se avecinan.

April 6, 2020

The Macroeconomic Impact of COVID-19

We are faced with a pandemic whose economic impact will likely cause the biggest drop in global GDP since the end of the Second World War. The uncertainties are enormous.

June 4, 2018

Italy and the euro

The trigger leading to the sharp market reaction was on the one hand the manifesto of the coalition between the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the League, which included disproportionate fiscal expansion. All Italian parties had made extravagant fiscal promises, but had not envisaged sticking to them when forming a government.