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July 8, 2019

G20: begin the beguine

The outcome of the G20 meeting in Osaka last weekend of June can be seen as positive; it was a kind of restart after the failure of previous multilateral meetings, with more details and emphasis on previously discussed issues and the addition of certain new ones.

December 24, 2018

What will be the trends in financial regulation in 2019?

In 2018, the financial regulatory reform approved after the crisis by the G20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) was considered virtually complete and the focus was supposed to be on implementing the reforms already initiated.

December 10, 2018

The G20 should stop just taking note sooner rather than later

Last Saturday the G20 summit was held in Argentina. What better opportunity to discuss the trade war than the meeting of representatives of countries that account for more than 75% of global growth, investment and trade.

November 20, 2017

The new accounting standard: pros and cons

The global financial crisis revealed that the banks had not got the resources sufficient to handle a recession as far-reaching as it turned out to be, of a magnitude only comparable with the Great Depression of the 1930s. To prevent anything similar from happening again, the G20 sponsored new accounting rules in creating new banking provisions known as IFRS 9.

July 17, 2017

The four "Cs" of the Hamburg G20: coordination, cooperation and climate change

The Annual Summit of the G20 took place on 7 and 8 July, chaired by Germany. There were no unexpected messages, although the intensity of the stress laid on international coordination and cooperation being key to improving economic growth and social wellbeing was remarkable.

March 27, 2017

The first Trump era G20

The G20 meeting which was held in Baden-Baden (Germany) on 17 and 18 March was not attended in person by Trump, although his influence was very present. Certain traditional G20 messages have executed an about-turn which reflects the new US position.

October 17, 2016

La reunión anual del FMI de 2016: no fue precisamente una más

Hay algo de preocupación. Un año más las autoridades económicas se han reunido en Washington sin que los estudios del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) apunten a una aceleración del crecimiento.

September 12, 2016

G20: Palabras y hechos

Alguien ha comentado que los comunicados del G20 contienen un ratio muy elevado de palabras sobre decisiones tomadas, y es cierto que el de la última cumbre de Hangzhou en China no es una excepción y su lectura puede resultar un ejercicio ingrato.