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November 29, 2019

Mexico | Monthly Report on Banking and the Financial System. November 2019

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has reported on the results of the annual assessment of the Mexican economy for 2019. The IMF approves a new flexible credit line for Mexico. Commercial banking contributed to growth in 1H19. Adjustments for securities operations. Amendments for bank correspondents.

October 31, 2019

Mexico | Monthly Report on Banking and the Financial System. October 2019

National Corporate Financing Survey (ENAFIN 2018). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) updates its Global Financial Stability Report. Real estate services grow 1.3% in the first half of 2019.

April 15, 2019

Spain: greater risks for economic activity

The Spanish economy is currently solid, although there seems to be a growing feeling of vulnerability. The growth in GDP remained at around 0.6% per quarter at the start of the year, which in annualized terms means a growth rate of approximately 2.5%.

April 9, 2018

Rainy days in Europe

The debate on how to advance towards greater integration in Europe is intensifying with the approach of June, the self-imposed deadline for Europe’s leaders to come up with specific new reforms for the euro zone. The International Monetary Fund has recently joined the fray with a proposal for a stabilisation fund to cushion fluctuations in the economic cycle.

November 6, 2017

A little more, a little less said at the IMF meetings this autumn

Two weeks have gone by since the autumn meetings of the International Monetary Fund, where the organisation once again increased its forecast for global growth. Today I want to go over the three macroeconomic subjects on which there was consensus and to highlight the two items that drew my attention the most.

October 23, 2017

Moving towards a more selective and effective international banking regulation

In the IMF's recent annual meetings the question of international banking regulation standards has once again come up, following the prolongation of discussions on the finalisation of Basel III. There is a certain feeling that the international standards are increasingly complex, needlessly wordy and unevenly implemented, while uncertainty regarding their impact is growing

October 9, 2017

The IMF Summit and not losing at cards

Next week we will know the International Monetary Fund's diagnosis of the state of the economy at its weekly meeting with the World Bank, which also brings together governors from central banks, finance ministers and representatives from the financial sector and wider civil society from around the world.

May 29, 2017

Greece: three-way gridlock

Grecia se encuentra en la segunda revisión de su tercer programa de rescate, que debería llevar al desembolso de un nuevo tramo de la ayuda financiera que servirá, fundamentalmente, para pagar vencimientos de deuda de algo más de 7.000 millones de euros en julio.

October 17, 2016

La reunión anual del FMI de 2016: no fue precisamente una más

Hay algo de preocupación. Un año más las autoridades económicas se han reunido en Washington sin que los estudios del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) apunten a una aceleración del crecimiento.

September 12, 2016

G20: Palabras y hechos

Alguien ha comentado que los comunicados del G20 contienen un ratio muy elevado de palabras sobre decisiones tomadas, y es cierto que el de la última cumbre de Hangzhou en China no es una excepción y su lectura puede resultar un ejercicio ingrato.