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December 2, 2019
Latin America: Lost in its Own Labyrinth
A wave of protests has shaken Latin America in recent months. The increase in social unrest has led to mass protests in countries such as Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. There are also worries that this could spread to other parts of the region.
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October 31, 2019
Regional Inequality
Regions with less income should have the highest growth rates. Capital is scarce in the more disadvantaged regions, which means higher profitability. In theory, this should encourage investment; but is that what has happened during crisis and recovery in Spain?
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August 6, 2019
Mexico | Evolution of poverty and income distribution
Between 2008 and 2018, poverty in Mexico decreased from 44.4% to 41.9%, but increased in absolute terms, from 49.5 to 52.4 million people. In equity of income, measured by the Gini coefficient, Mexico would move from place 136 to 122 of a total of 164 countries, advancing 14 positions.
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August 27, 2018
Housing and inequality
There is growing concern about inequality in the developed economies. Now that we are seeing a recovery in the Spanish property sector, it is worth reflecting on the role that trends in the housing market have played and may play in widening or narrowing differences among people’s income and wealth.
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August 25, 2018
Colombia | Pathways to a less unequal Colombia
The improvements in Colombian social indicators over the past 20 years are indisputable. In these years we have seen a very significant reduction in poverty, an increase in the consolidated middle class and the vulnerable middle class, as well as an increase in labour formalisation and a decrease in inequality.
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July 2, 2018
The economic challenges faced by the new Colombian president
The new government must solidify its ongoing economic recovery by laying the foundations for better economic performance in the medium term. Growth will no longer depend merely on capital investments and population growth. 48% of the people now working under the table will need to be brought into the formal economy and productivity will have to be increased.
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April 20, 2018
The social dimension of the European Union
This presentation discusses the existing inequality in the European Union, explained by factors such as unemployment, severe poverty and education, among others, and the policies needed to move towards a more socially integrated EU.
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July 11, 2016
La desigualdad en España: evolución, causas y políticas
Progreso y bienestar no se entiende adecuadamente si no se tiene en cuenta cómo se reparten los beneficios del crecimiento económico: la desigualdad importa. Ni todo el crecimiento es siempre bueno ni toda la desigualdad es negativa: las causas y consecuencias importan. La relación entre desigualdad y crecimiento es compleja.
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February 2, 2015
Financial inclusion, rather than size, is the key to tackling income inequality
In this paper we assess empirically whether financial inclusion contributes to reducing income inequality when controlling for other key factors, such as economic development and fiscal policy. We conclude that financial inclusion contributes to reducing income inequality to a significant degree, while the size of the financial sector does not. The policy implication of this result is that financial inclusion should be at the forefront of government policies to reduce income inequality in a given economy. Given the broad way in which we have defined inequality in our empirical analysis, this means facilitating the use of credit to both households, especially low-income ones, as well as to small and medium-sized enterprises. JEL: D63, F63, F65, G21, H23, O15.
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