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April 5, 2019
Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. 5 April 2019
Highlights: ESAs issue report on risk and vulnerabilities. EBA issues clarifications for API under PSD2 and risk dashboard. ESMA launches CCP stress test. OJEU publishes equivalence decisions. BdE issues supervision report. CNMV issues Brexit information. FRB issues final rule on intraday credit to FBOs. US Agencies propose rules to limit impact of large bank failures
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March 29, 2019
Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. 29 March 2019
Highlights: BCBS issues follow-up report on Basel III implementation. ECB issues statement on securitizations, report on banking supervision, and macroprudential bulletin. EC and ESMA issue statements on adjustments for Brexit contingency plans. ESMA issues guidelines on clearing obligations under EMIR Refit. BdE maintains the CCyB
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March 15, 2019
Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. 15 March 2019
Highlights: BCBS issues report on the interaction of regulatory instruments, and on crypto-assets. ECB issues statements on euro short-term rate. EU Council and Parliament agree on EMIR revision for CCP supervision. EBA issues clarification on API under PSD2 and report on high earners. FCA issues statements preparing for a no-deal Brexit
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February 15, 2019
Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. 15 February 2019
Highlights: EU ambassadors conclude CRDV negotiation. FSB issues its 2019 work programme. EMMI publishes summary of responses to Euribor consultation. EC issues list of countries with weak AML/CFT. EDPB issues opinion on data transfer. ESRB issues recommendations on reciprocation of large exposure limits. US Treasury issues statement on the US-EU Financial Regulatory Forum
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February 8, 2019
Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. 8 February 2019
Highlights: FSB issues report on non-bank financial intermediation. ESMA agrees MoUs for no-deal Brexit, and issues statement on the use of UK data in ESMA’s databases. ECB issues statement on liquidity risk analysis, and results for 2018 stress test. Council and EP agree on measures for investment fund market and rules for derivatives. FRB issues CCAR and DFAST scenarios.
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February 1, 2019
Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. 1 February 2019
Highlights: ESMA issues statement on the handling of derivative data in a no-deal Brexit. ESRB issues report on macroprudential approaches to deal with NPLs. EBA updates the list of closely correlated currencies for capital requirement purposes. EC issues consultation on market liquidity in forex markets. U.S. Agencies issue results from the SNC Program Review.
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