
MPR (Monetary Policy Rate)

MPR (Monetary Policy Rate) latest publications

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February 1, 2018

Chile | MPR (Monetary Policy Rate) remains at 2.5% but the tone becomes clearly contractive

Central Bank sees almost no room for further monetary stimulus. The risks on the downside are accentuated for inflation 2018.

December 14, 2017

Chile | Se mantiene la TPM en 2,5% pero reconociendo riesgos de convergencia inflacionaria

En línea con las expectativas, Banco Central mantiene la TPM y sesgo moderadamente expansivo

October 23, 2017

Banco Central mantiene TPM en 2,5%, pero modifica el sesgo, sin descartar nuevos recortes

Consejo sigue esperando la concreción de los riesgos de corto plazo para la inflación, los cuales creemos ya se han materializado.

August 28, 2014

Chilean traders’ survey shows incipient misalignment of long-term inflation expectations

Results also revealed estimates of another 25bp cut (to 3.25%) at September’s meeting and a MPR of at least 3% on a three-month horizon (BBVAe: 2.75% at 2014 eop)