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January 13, 2020

Scaling without mass: a model to foster SMEs' growth and productivity

The transformation toward the new digital economy, characterized by mobile Internet access and the use of the cloud, has resulted in lower investment in ICT capital goods and increased access to this technology through pay-to-use services.

March 13, 2019

The Government’s digital transformation: yes, it’s big, but it will never be slow again

GovTech is every technocrat’s dream. The extraordinary technological transformation we have seen in sectors such as financial services and retail trade has also reached the public sector. In a surprisingly short time, all types of interaction between the State and its citizens will be different.

July 16, 2018

Public sector: productivity and new technologies

The Spanish economy is on a clear expansionary path. Activity and employment are recovering, but low levels of productivity persist, and this depresses competitiveness and long-term growth potential while keeping wages low. And yet this is nothing new.