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October 30, 2019

The Spanish Public Pension System: Forecasts and Suggestions For Improvement

The public pension system is a basic pillar of the welfare state. The Spanish system is perfectly viable and sustainable, provided that it adapts to ongoing economic, social and demographic changes in Spanish society.

October 31, 2018

Bolsonaro's Brazil, putting the discourse into practice

The conservative Jair Bolsonaro has beaten the left-winger Fernando Haddad in the second round of the presidential elections held last Sunday 28 October. He will therefore be the Brazilian president during the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2022.

April 13, 2018

Colombia | Pensions, ageing and subsidies

We had a pensions week in Colombia to mark the Congress of Asofondos and the FIAP in Cartagena. It is an important issue in our country and in the world.

January 29, 2018

What we already know about taxes on financial transactions

Recently, the possibility of introducing a tax on financial transactions (FTT) as a way to cover part of the pension deficit has come up again in the Spanish public debate. These types of fees are applied to some types of monetary transactions, such as purchases of securities or stock market flotations.

March 27, 2017

Pensions and inflation: there are no free solutions

In recent weeks, we have learned of certain initiatives to repeal the reform of the 2013 pensions system, its revaluation mechanism and the sustainability factor (which kicks in from 2019), as well as others to raise pensions by 1.2% in 2017, with a revision clause if inflation outstrips this figure.

September 5, 2016

Is our pension system viable?

The persistent Social Security deficit and the continuous tapping of the Reserve Fund, which has dropped 62% from the 66.8 billion of 2011, has spurred another intense debate about the viability of Spain’s pension system.

August 25, 2016

¿Qué hacer con las pensiones?

El déficit de la Seguridad Social y la disminución del Fondo de Reserva ha vuelto a plantear un intenso debate sobre qué hacer con el sistema público de pensiones.