Public Administrations
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February 5, 2020
Spain | No fiscal adjustment in 2019
Budget execution data up to Nov-19 anticipate a further structural deterioration of the structural balance during 2019. For 2020-2021, and pending the completion of the new government's budget programme, the recently approved measures maintain the expansionary tone of fiscal policy
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October 24, 2019
Spain | Lack of agreement on fiscal framework moderates consolidation process
Budget execution data up to July 2019 slightly worsens the dynamics of 2018. For the 2019-2020 period, an exclusively cyclical adjustment is expected, which will determine a slightly expansive tone of fiscal policy
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July 23, 2019
Spain | Uncertainty around fiscal policy in the 2019-20 period
Budget implementation in April 2019 slightly worsens the dynamics of 2018. During the 2019-2020 period, and in no policy change scenario, the pace of adjustment of the public deficit would be moderating compared to that observed in previous years
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July 5, 2019
Spain | Digitization of public administrations in Spain
This paper analyzes the digitalization of public administrations in Spain with a double objective: to know the progress in the provision of digital public services and to identify the sociodemographic determinants that affect the probability of citizens using electronic administration
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May 17, 2019
Spain | Uncertainty around fiscal policy in the 2019-20 period
The first budget execution data for 2019 slightly worsens last year's dynamics. In an environment of extended budget and policy uncertainty, the economic cycle will reduce the deficit, although the current fiscal targets will be missed.
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July 18, 2016
Costes de no cumplir
La falta de reducción del déficit público durante los últimos meses tiene varios costes. Uno es que introduce una innecesaria volatilidad en el crecimiento, sin que posiblemente se haya hecho el uso más eficiente de esos recursos. Otro, es que debilita la credibilidad de las administraciones públicas.
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December 11, 2015
Spain | Public debt remains at 99.3% of GDP
The general government debt. Spanish remained at 99.3% of GDP at the end of the third quarter. debt reducction of the central government and local governments have offset the regions observed increase. The new financial facility for the regions becomes the main source of funding.
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November 24, 2015
Spain | Public administrations: adjustment of the public deficit is kept in September 2015
The public deficit (excluding local governments) stood at 3.4% of GDP until September, which improves the figure from a year ago. Despite the good performance of the central government, the pace of adjustment does not seem enough to offset the deterioration in Social Security accounts. The probability of failing to meet year-end target is maintained
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October 27, 2015
Spain | Public administrations: adjustment of public deficit continues
The general government deficit (excluding local administrations) stood at around 3.4% of GDP, improving the level reached a year ago. Nevertheless, the pace of adjustment is not enough, and the probability of not meeting the deficit target by the end of the year holds.
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September 30, 2015
Spain | New improvement of the financing capacity in 2Q15
Investment rate recovers dynamism and partially absorvs the rise in the savings rate. The financing capacity of the Spanish economy improved with respect to previous quarter. By sector, the adjustment of the public deficit compensated the slight deterioration observed in households and firms.
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September 29, 2015
Spain | Public administrations: insufficient improvement of the public accounts
The general government deficit. (excluding local government) stood at around 3.1% of GDP, improving the level reached a year ago. Nevertheless, the pace of adjustment is not enough, and the probability of not meeting the deficit target by the end of the year rises
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