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June 9, 2022

Europa | Deuda y reglas fiscales

Los altos niveles de deuda pública acumulados desde 2020 y la necesidad de reducirla llevan al debate sobre las reglas fiscales sobre las cuentas nacionales, más allá de que Europa apruebe instrumentos de financiación comunes para afrontar los grandes retos estratégicos que se avecinan.

April 20, 2020

Public Debt Against a Depression

One of the few certainties regarding the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, aside from the inestimable loss of life, is that in economic terms there will be severe falls in GDP and large increases in public debt.

September 23, 2019

Will sovereign risk premiums continue to fall?

In recent months we have witnessed a notable compression in sovereign CDS at the global level, in an economic scenario that is full of uncertainty and in which public debt is at an all-time high.

September 23, 2019

Prospects and challenges of the new course for Spain's economy

BBVA Research forecasts indicate that the Spanish economy will grow by less than 2% in 2020. However, this growth could be reduced even further if some of the risks to the international economic scenario materialize.

June 4, 2019

Fiscal policy in Mexico: a challenge to be addressed

Mexico is facing important fiscal challenges. On the one hand, its tax collection is very low: tax revenue as a share of the GDP (only 14%) is not only the lowest in the OECD, but it is also low when compared to other Latin American economies.

May 23, 2019

Mexico | Fiscal space is limited

How much fiscal space does the country have? Is it possible to borrow more to support Pemex or to cope with a possible recession with a countercyclical fiscal expansion? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to analyze Mexico's public debt profile.

March 7, 2019

Banking Outlook. March 2019

The quarterly earnings obtained in 3Q18 by the system (4,033 million euros) was the highest since the third quarter of 2009. In the first nine months of the year, earnings were 10,685 million euros versus losses of 4,961 million in the same period of 2017, a period in which the resolution of Banco Popular had an impact.

December 19, 2018

Sovereign risk in the euro zone and its treatment in banking regulation

The crisis has brought with it a notable increase in public debt in the countries affected, especially intense in the peripheral countries of the euro zone. The Greek crisis has fuelled a debate on the treatment of debt holdings in banking regulation and its consideration as a risk-free asset.

October 31, 2018

Bolsonaro's Brazil, putting the discourse into practice

The conservative Jair Bolsonaro has beaten the left-winger Fernando Haddad in the second round of the presidential elections held last Sunday 28 October. He will therefore be the Brazilian president during the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2022.