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February 27, 2020

Fiscal Consolidation: A Demanding Challenge

Predictably, Spain closed 2019 with a public deficit that was closer to 2.5% of GDP than to 2%, meaning little change in comparison with 2018. This almost complete lack of improvement means that fiscal consolidation efforts will be carried over to this year.

June 11, 2018

Regulatory reform in the USA: From words to deeds

Since Donald Trump took office in 2017, the United States has embarked on a process of easing and recalibration of its financial regulation. While this process will not entail a dismantling of its regulatory framework, it is certainly the largest overhaul made since the last financial crisis.

June 6, 2016

Crisis y convergencia

Desde 2007 ha aumentado la desigualdad entre regiones. ¿Ha revertido este comportamiento con la recuperación? La respuesta es que no.