Structural reforms
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May 7, 2018
No gain without pain
Structural reforms since they usually involve a transfer of income that leads to the groups negatively affected mobilising to prevent them. Governments then have to decide how to manage that pain and when: with a large number of measures concentrated into a short time-span, perhaps taking advantage of the mandate afforded by a crisis.
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June 13, 2017
Budgetary stability and structural reforms in Spain
Budget balances and public debt in Spain showed clear signs of unsustainability between 2009 and 2011. Despite the fiscal consolidation implemented since then, the increase in public debt has also considerable costs in terms of GDP, employment and private investment.
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May 4, 2017
Budgetary stability and structural reforms in Spain
We analyse the fiscal policy lessons from the recent recession in the Spanish economy and the options for the future. Our results indicate that budget balance and public debt trends showed clear signs of unsustainability between 2009 and 2011, with few alternatives available other than reducing the fiscal deficit.
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August 17, 2015
Un bajo crecimiento en Latam
Los vientos de cola que venía disfrutando América Latina hasta el año 2013 siguen amainando y con ellos, las perspectivas de corto y largo plazo para la región, por lo menos mientras no se aborde con decisión el impulso a la productividad a través de las reformas estructurales.
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