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October 22, 2024

Big Data techniques used

España | La Desigualdad de la Huella de Carbono de los Hogares en Alta Definición

Presentamos la distribución de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del consumo de los hogares españoles atendiendo a su nivel de gasto, edad, o género y distinguiendo diferentes tipos de bienes y servicios. Este análisis es posible combinando datos oficiales, la metodología Input-Output y los datos BBVA.

May 25, 2020

Global | False Dichotomies: COVID-19 and Climate Change

There will continue to be support for a low-carbon economy, but considering the short-term impact so that it does not slow down post-crisis recovery. TEST EDITED

October 31, 2019

Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing

Social awareness is increasing on the subject of environmental sustainability and its effects. This is a long-running trend that has gradually gained traction in public opinion.