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March 6, 2019

Mexico | Fiscal reform in the United States: No significant effects yet for Mexico

Effective from January 1, 2018, President Trumps fiscal reform enforced, among other aspects, a reduction of the federal corporate income tax rate from 35% to 20%. As soon as discussions on the reform began, concerns started to arise in Mexico regarding its possible impact on investment in our country.

November 9, 2018

Colombia | Financing Law: broad strokes and pending issues

The bill covers three main issues: VAT reform, a marginal increase in the tax burden on the highest earners, and a reduction in the tax burden on businesses.

October 8, 2018

More taxes on banks: no free lunch

It is always best to be very careful with changes in taxes. Increases can be dangerous if they hamper growth and job creation, just as reductions can be if they affect the sustainability of the welfare state and equity. So, What is the extent of the effects of an additional tax on banks?

November 21, 2017

Lower US corporate taxes would not reverse Mexico’s competitive advantage in manufacturing

Mexico would continue to be more competitive than the United States in the production of manufactured goods even if the latter were to cut its corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%. The difference in labor costs alone is a sufficient factor for Mexico to remain more competitive than the US

November 10, 2017

Mexico addresses United States Tax Reform

In the United States a reduction is envisaged in the federal tax rate on companies from 35 to 20%. In Mexico there are voices saying this would be more serious for the country’s economy than the breakdown of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This is nonsense.

September 11, 2017

Taxes, growth and social welfare

As Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. stated in 1904, and as appears inscribed on the façade of the US Internal Revenue Service Building, “taxes are what we pay for a civilized society”. However, it is difficult to answer the question of whether we pay too much or too little without taking into account what we receive in return.