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September 21, 2018
Colombia | Economic news of all colours in a blue sky
The last few weeks have been filled with economic news of all colours. This news has given plenty of work to all those of us dedicated to the job of understanding the economy and forecasting it, making simulations and joining the pieces.
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January 30, 2018
Chile: Proposals for a less procyclical, simpler and more transparent fiscal rule
Given how important the rule has been in generating fiscal discipline in Chile and the need to strengthen it, we propose reducing the procyclicality of the benchmarks, increasing controls over the projection of effective revenues, simplifying the calculation of the cyclically adjusted balance sheet (CAB) and redefining the CAB target and the convergence strategy.
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May 28, 2015
Chile | ¿Balance Estructural al 2018? Necesaria moderación de la inversión pública
En este Observatorio Económico se analizan distintos escenarios para que el crecimiento del gasto público en el trienio 2016-2018 permita alcanzar la meta de balance estructural el último año, meta que el gobierno chileno se ha autoimpuesto. De lo anterior se desprende que será la inversión pública la que deberá hacer la mayor parte del ajuste.
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