
World GDP

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February 20, 2024

Big Data techniques used

Türkiye | Wek supply coupled with solid demand

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June 22, 2023

Argentina Economic Outlook. June 2023

The macroeconomic scenario deteriorated due to the strong impact of the drought, which substantially reduced agricultural exports, with negative effects on GDP and tax revenues.

June 22, 2023

Argentina Economic Outlook. June 2023

The macroeconomic scenario deteriorated due to the strong impact of the drought, which substantially reduced agricultural exports, with negative effects on GDP and tax revenues.

November 28, 2019

Global | Stable industry and resilient services, but the weak momentum persists

The global slowdown extends into 4Q19, as some incoming figures continue to be weak despite a better tone on trade negotiations and lower brexit risks. Services and domestic demand continue to sustain growth while manufacturing and trade have stabilized in Q3, but confidence data for Q4 have been mixed so far.

January 23, 2019

Global | Macroeconomic environment slightly less favorable in 2019 and 2020

Global growth has slowed in recent months, affected by protectionist tensions, with a negative impact on financial markets that has been partly reversed thanks to the reaction of central banks. Our new GDP forecasts imply lower overall growth in 2019 and 2020 (3.5% and 3.4% respectively).

April 30, 2018

Global debt - Is history repeating itself?

2018 started with the expectation that this time around the world economy really would be able to chalk up a second consecutive year of solid growth and successfully navigate through two of its main hazards: US monetary normalisation and China’s slowdown.