
Youth unemployment

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October 1, 2024

Colombia Economic Outlook. June 2024

Colombia's economic growth will begin to accelerate gradually during the second half of the year. Domestic demand is expected to consolidate by 2025. Growth is projected at 1.8% in 2024 and 2.8% in 2025. Inflation will continue to decrease, enabling the Central Bank to expedite rate cuts from the end of the year.

October 18, 2013

El desempleo juvenil como problema y la formación dual como parte de la solución

El desempleo juvenil representa una de las principales disfunciones del mercado de trabajo en España

September 28, 2011

Desempleo juvenil en España: causas y soluciones

El desempleo juvenil en España es un fenómeno persistente que se ha agravado durante la crisis actual, alcanzando una magnitud tal (46,1% en 2T11) que la toma de medidas para atenuarlo no puede ser pospuesta por más tiempo.

September 28, 2011

Youth unemployment in Spain: causes and solutions

Youth unemployment in Spain is a persistent phenomenon that has deteriorated during the current crisis. At the levels now being registered, the measures to fight it can be delayed no longer.