
Climate Sustainability

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October 22, 2024

Big Data techniques used

España | La Desigualdad de la Huella de Carbono de los Hogares en Alta Definición

Presentamos la distribución de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del consumo de los hogares españoles atendiendo a su nivel de gasto, edad, o género y distinguiendo diferentes tipos de bienes y servicios. Este análisis es posible combinando datos oficiales, la metodología Input-Output y los datos BBVA.

May 25, 2020

Global | False Dichotomies: COVID-19 and Climate Change

There will continue to be support for a low-carbon economy, but considering the short-term impact so that it does not slow down post-crisis recovery. TEST EDITED

March 23, 2020

Oil, pandemic and climate change

In the midst of the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Saudi Arabia's increased oil production and cutting of prices went unnoticed.

February 10, 2020

The risk of sargassum to the economy and tourism of Quintana Roo and Mexico

An analysis of economic variables and through Big Data is made to quantify the effects of sargassum in the tourist activity of Quintana Roo in 2019. The results do not find solid evidence in this regard, either because it was not a relevant factor or by the success of mitigation actions.