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October 22, 2024

Big Data techniques used

España | El comercio electrónico: un "clic" no es igual para todos

Proyecto conjunto con el FMI para analizar la evolución del comercio electrónico en España a partir del Covid. Se mantiene la tendencia al alza. El impulso de la pandemia fue temporal, con una vuelta a su tendencia una vez se levantaron las restricciones. Importante heterogeneidad por individuos y categorías de consumo.

July 12, 2024

Situación Perú. Junio 2024

Crecimiento de 2,9% este año (2,7% en el estimado anterior), con el apoyo del nuevo retiro de AFP. Recuperación de sectores más afectados en 2023 por las anomalías climatológicas y de sectores no primarios, estos por el avance del gasto privado. Para 2025, expansión del PIB de 2,7%, agotado el impacto de los retiros de AFP.

March 2, 2020

Challenging the Tech Giants: Competition and Regulation

After a meteoric rise to top the list of the world's most valuable firms, the tech giants are coming under increasing pressure. Their great economic clout and the potential negative impact on competition and innovation mean they find themselves as the subject of political debate.

January 27, 2020

Colombia | Financial health shapes consumer welfare

The ability to cope with financial shocks from one's own resources is called financial vulnerability. It is measured as the period of time that individuals can survive by covering their needs if they lose their main source of income and without using credit.

January 27, 2020

Peru | Financial health shapes consumer welfare

The ability to cope with financial shocks from one's own resources is called financial vulnerability. It is measured as the period of time that individuals can survive by covering their needs if they lose their main source of income and without using credit.