
Mexico | There are 1.65 million households that receive remittances, 4.7% of the total

Published on Thursday, August 1, 2019 | Updated on Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Mexico | There are 1.65 million households that receive remittances, 4.7% of the total


27% of remittances-receiving households are in the two lower income deciles, and 12.7% in the two upper deciles. Households that received remittances have a consumption pattern very similar to the national average. 36.0% of the expenditure went to food, beverages and tobacco, and 18.6% in transportation and communication.

Key points

  • Key points:
  • Remittances in June contracted for the first time in three years, registering a 0.7% decrease, although during the first half of 2019 they added $16.846 million, + 3.7%.
  • In 2018, 1.65 million households in Mexico received remittances, 4.7% of the total. 27% of remittances-receiving households are in the two lower income deciles, and 12.7% in the two upper income deciles.
  • Remittances-receiving households have a consumption pattern very similar to the national average. 36.0% of the expenditure went to food, beverages and tobacco; 18.6% in transport and communication; and 10.8% in education and recreation, mainly.
  • In Zacatecas, 18.2% of households received remittances, Nayarit 14.8%, Michoacán 13.3% and Guerrero 13.2%.
  • The states of Michoacán (1,672 md), Jalisco (1,643 md) and Guanajuato (1,523 md) were the ones that received the most remittances in the first half of 2019, while Tijuana and Puebla were the municipalities with the highest income of this inflow.



Juan José Li Ng BBVA Research - Senior Economist

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Spanish - August 1, 2019

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English - August 1, 2019

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