Published on Monday, September 23, 2019 | Updated on Monday, October 7, 2019

Mexico | Yearbook of Migration and Remittances 2019


It's a publication of CONAPO, BBVA Foundation and BBVA Research. It presents the most relevant data on migration, refuge and remittances worldwide and in Mexico. There is an emphasis on Latin American and the Caribbean, as well as on the flow of Central Americans traveling through Mexico and the migration actions of U.S.

Key points

  • Key points:
  • There are 38.5 million Mexicans in the U.S. in 2018: 12.3 million are migrants, 13.5 million sons and daughters of Mexican migrants and 12.7 million more with Mexican ascendancy.
  • For a Mexican, It cost an average of 87,000 pesos to pay a pollero to cross into the U.S., while a Central American has to pay up to 11,500 dollars on average to a pollero to go through Mexico and cross into the U.S.
  • In 2019, requests for refuge in Mexico are estimated to reach 80,000 (+170%) and the issuance of “Humanitarian Visas” to 60,000 (+305%), mainly requested by Central Americans.
  • Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras are countries with a growing migration flow to the U.S. and high dependence on remittances. Remittances as a percentage of GDP represent 12.0%, 21.4% and 20.0%, respectively.
  • In 2019, remittances to Mexico will be close to 35,460 million dollars (+5.3%) and by 2020 they could reach 37,200 million dollars (+5.0%). Mexico's dependence on remittances increases slowly, but steadily; it represented 2.7% of GDP in 2018.




Juan José Li Ng BBVA Research - Senior Economist
Guillermo Jr. Cárdenas Salgado BBVA Research - Senior Economist
Luis Antonio Espinosa BBVA Research - Economist
Carlos Serrano BBVA Research - Chief Economist

Documents and files

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Book (PDF)


English - September 23, 2019

Book (PDF)


Spanish - September 23, 2019

Presentation (PDF)


Spanish - September 23, 2019

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