Fiscal deficit
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April 22, 2020
China Economic Outlook. Second quarter 2020
China's GDP growth dipped to historical low in Q1 amid COVID-19. The sliding growth calls for more policy stimulus. We believe pro-growth measures will help put China’s growth engine back to the right track. The GDP growth rate will steadily climb up to 7% y/y in Q4, concluding 2020 with a full-year growth outturn of 2.2%.
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April 20, 2020
China's economy shrinks and requires a bigger stimulus
The Chinese government has announced that its GDP has fallen by 6.8% YoY in the first quarter of 2020. The reduction is slightly more than expected and is a result of the unprecedented economic turbulence caused by the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.
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February 5, 2020
Spain | No fiscal adjustment in 2019
Budget execution data up to Nov-19 anticipate a further structural deterioration of the structural balance during 2019. For 2020-2021, and pending the completion of the new government's budget programme, the recently approved measures maintain the expansionary tone of fiscal policy
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October 24, 2019
Spain | Lack of agreement on fiscal framework moderates consolidation process
Budget execution data up to July 2019 slightly worsens the dynamics of 2018. For the 2019-2020 period, an exclusively cyclical adjustment is expected, which will determine a slightly expansive tone of fiscal policy
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September 6, 2019
Challenging global and regional scenario for Colombia
As a small economy, Colombia is not immune to the reality of the global context. Short- and medium-term scenarios can be affected by exchange rate volatility, weakening investment, fiscal deficit, current account deficit and informality in the labor market.
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July 23, 2019
Spain | Uncertainty around fiscal policy in the 2019-20 period
Budget implementation in April 2019 slightly worsens the dynamics of 2018. During the 2019-2020 period, and in no policy change scenario, the pace of adjustment of the public deficit would be moderating compared to that observed in previous years
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July 19, 2019
Argentina Economic Outlook. Third quarter 2019
We maintain our GDP forecast fall of 1.2% in 2019, which will grow quarterly form 2Q-19 due to the recovery of agricultural campaign and the reduction of FX market tensions. By 2020, the economy will have processed the tensions caused by the electoral uncertainty and will grow by 2.5% as private domestic demand recovers.
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May 17, 2019
Spain | Uncertainty around fiscal policy in the 2019-20 period
The first budget execution data for 2019 slightly worsens last year's dynamics. In an environment of extended budget and policy uncertainty, the economic cycle will reduce the deficit, although the current fiscal targets will be missed.
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May 26, 2015
Spain | Public deficit impaired slightly (excluding local corporations)
The Public deficit (excluding local corporations) stood at 0,8% of GDP in March, one tenth above that registered one year ago. The impairment was due to both central government and Social Security. While the regions adjusted their budget balance again
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July 14, 2014
Chile: Government revised upwards its estimate for fiscal deficit in 2014
The Budget Office updated its macroeconomic estimates for 2014, as a prelude to next year’s budget discussion in coming months. In this opportunity, GDP growth expectation was corrected downwards to 3.2% in 2014 (BBVAe: 3.1%) with an expected detrimental to fiscal revenues of USD2.0bn in relation to the current budget figures. In terms of expenditures, government revised them upwards in USD1.1bn, with an expected real increase of 6.6% in 2014. If we consider the accumulated 5.8% YoY increase in real expenditures as of May 2014, public expenditures should rise 7.1% YoY in the rest of 2014, supporting aggregate activity figures during 2H14. All in all, fiscal deficit for 2014 was corrected upwards from 0.9% to 2.0% of GDP, without considering additional revenues from the tax reform. In this regard, the Budget Office disclaimed that fiscal deficit could reach only 1.7% of GDP this year considering the additional revenues estimated to collect from the tax reform.
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July 21, 2011
Public Pension Systems and the Fiscal Crisis in the Euro Zone. Lessons for Latin America
This paper analyzes the circumstances that led to the reforms of the pension systems in Europe and the measures adopted, with a view to extracting some lessons that may be of use for Latin American countries.
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