Publicada el viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016 | Actualizada el viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016

ECB Watch: QE extension but unexpectedly at a lower pace


The ECB extended the asset purchase programme until December 2017, but from April monthly purchases will be cut to EUR 60 bn. Such decision combined with the announced technical changes adds upward pressure on bond yields and leads to steeper curves. The ECB remains in a middle ground between hints of tapering and wording that tries to avoid that impression.


  • Etiquetas de Geografía
  • Europa



Sonsoles Castillo BBVA Research - Economista Jefe para el Análisis Económico y Financiero
Miguel Jiménez BBVA Research - Economista Líder

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Inglés - 9 de diciembre de 2016

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